Who's at Risk for Prostate Cancer?

Who's at Risk for Prostate Cancer?

The American Cancer Society estimates that about 248,530 men in the US will be newly diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2021, and 34,130 men will die from it. Those are scary statistics, overall, but how does that translate to you, as an individual man? Are you at risk?

Alex Lesani, MD, a compassionate and expert urologist, urges all men to take care of their prostates to reduce their risk of prostate cancer. He offers prostate cancer screening — including prostate-specific antigen (PSA) tests — and treatment at his Las Vegas office. 

When your doctor catches prostate cancer at an early stage, it’s usually easily removable and curable. That’s why Dr. Lesani advises you to be aware of your individual risk factors for prostate cancer, so that you can change the factors that are under your control, and get the tests and care you need, when you need them. Here are a number of those factors.

Older age

You’re more likely to develop prostate cancer as you age. Men under age 40 rarely have prostate cancer. However, your risk increases drastically once you pass 50. More than half of prostate cancer cases occur in men who are older than 65.

African or Caribbean race

Men of African-American or Caribbean descent are more likely to develop prostate cancer than are men of other races. African-American men are also more likely to:

If you’re African-American, you may wish to start prostate cancer screenings at age 45 if you don’t have a family history of prostate cancer, and at age 40 if you do.

Family history and genetics

Although nobody’s singled out a cause for prostate cancer, most researchers believe that genetics are at play. The mutations in BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes — which increase risk for breast and ovarian cancer in women — may increase prostate cancer risk in men. Men with Lynch syndrome, a genetic condition, may also be at increased risk for prostate cancer.

If a blood relative had prostate cancer, you’re at increased risk, too. If you have a personal or family history that increases your risk, talk to Dr. Lesani about starting your prostate cancer screenings early.  

Where you live

For reasons unknown, geography seems to have an influence on prostate cancer risk. For instance, even though Asian American men have a lower risk than white Americans, their risk is higher than men who still live in their Asian countries of origin.

Prostate cancer is more common among men who live in:

However, it’s less common in Central and South America, Asia, and Africa. 

What you’re exposed to

Living or working in environments where you’re exposed to toxins, including chemicals, may increase your risk. For instance, firefighters who use chemicals to douse flames, and soldiers who were exposed to Agent Orange during the Vietnam War, seem to have an increased risk.

A risk factor for prostate cancer, as well as for other complications, is having a sexually transmitted disease (STD). An STD may cause your prostate to become inflamed and irritated, which could increase your risk for cancer. Wear a condom when you have intercourse, and get tested for STDs regularly.

What you do

The connections between lifestyle factors and prostate cancer aren’t as clear as those of genetics, geography, and age. However, you may have an increased risk if you:

Eating a healthy diet, getting lots of exercise, and maintaining a stable, healthy weight improves your wellbeing overall and reduces your risk for all diseases, including prostate cancer. 

What’s your personal risk for prostate cancer? All men with prostates have some degree of risk. However, it’s never possible to say for sure who’ll get cancer and who won’t. Stay on top of your individual risk by managing your prostate health and getting regular exams.

Book your prostate cancer screening with or without a PSA test today by calling us at 702-470-2579. You can also book online at your convenience. 

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