
Is Enlarged Prostate Tied to Erectile Dysfunction?

Is Enlarged Prostate Tied to Erectile Dysfunction?

When you find out that an enlarged prostate gland caused your urinary problems, you wonder if it could be linked to your erectile dysfunction (ED), too. If so, can you kill two birds with one stone by treating your prostate? It’s possible.
Jan 1st, 2025

5 Important Considerations Before Choosing a Vasectomy

If you don’t want kids but find birth control a hassle (or unreliable), you may consider a vasectomy. Today’s no-scalpel vasectomies are easier than ever. But that doesn’t mean you should move to “Snip City.” The following are five things to consider.
Nov 5th, 2024

All About Urinary Tract Reconstruction

Whether your urethra was damaged by trauma or disease or whether you want gender-affirming surgery, your urologist scheduled you for urinary tract reconstruction. Why do you need the procedure? What happens during surgery? What happens afterward?
Oct 1st, 2024
 4 Common Myths About Erectile Dysfunction (ED)

 4 Common Myths About Erectile Dysfunction (ED)

You did it again. Or, more precisely, you didn’t do it again. You couldn’t finish a sexual act because you lost your erection. You never thought you’d have ED, but now you do. Is ED inevitable? Is the only “cure” a little blue pill? No, and no.
Sep 2nd, 2024

I Had Hypospadias — What Does That Mean for Me as an Adult?

Hypospadias is a condition in which a baby boy’s urethra opens on the bottom of their penis head or elsewhere rather than in the penis tip. Hypospadias is identified and surgically corrected when you’re a baby. But does it affect you as an adult? Hypospadi
Aug 5th, 2024
​​Can I Pass Prostate Cancer to My Children?

​​Can I Pass Prostate Cancer to My Children?

Genes count in some, but not all, cases of prostate cancer. If you’ve had prostate cancer, or your father did, you may worry that you could pass it to your kids. Is that true? If so, what can you do to lower their risk?
Jul 1st, 2024
Life After Kidney Stones

Life After Kidney Stones

Passing a kidney stone is so painful that it’s been equated to childbirth. But does life return to normal after the stone is gone (naturally or through treatment)? That depends on what normal was. And whether you “want” another stone or not.
Jun 2nd, 2024
Eat This Not That Kidney Health Edition

Eat This Not That Kidney Health Edition

You want to keep your kidneys healthy and free from stones and disease. Does that mean you have to eat unpalatable, bland foods without seasoning, flavor, or texture? Not at all! Get your forks ready to eat this (but not that) for kidney health.
May 2nd, 2024
I’m At Risk for Prostate Cancer — What Should I Do?

I’m At Risk for Prostate Cancer — What Should I Do?

You’re at above-average risk for prostate cancer due to your age, race, or family history. Does that mean you need to start screening at an earlier age? Do you have to change your habits and your lifestyle? Yes, and maybe.
Apr 1st, 2024

Myths and Facts About Vasectomy

You’ve decided you don’t want to father any biological children in the future. Either you’ve finished your family or don’t want to start one. You’re considering vasectomy, but you’re worried about the procedure and what happens next.
Mar 1st, 2024

5 Ways to Keep Your Kidneys Healthy

Your kidneys are hard at work, night and day, filtering out toxins, producing urine to excrete waste, and keeping you healthy. But you need to reciprocate. If you don’t treat your kidneys well, they won’t work well for you. Here’s what to do.
Feb 1st, 2024

Does an Enlarged Prostate Cause Symptoms?

If you rely on your body to tell you when it’s in trouble, by the time you get the message, your trouble could be doubled. When a condition causes symptoms, it’s usually pretty advanced. Don’t wait for symptoms before tending to your prostate.
Jan 22nd, 2024
5 Lifestyle Habits for a Healthier Prostate

5 Lifestyle Habits for a Healthier Prostate

You might never have given your prostate gland a thought until — like an ignored child — it acts up. But whether you're dealing with the symptoms of an enlarged prostate or not, a change of habits can keep your prostate healthy and “happy.”
Dec 1st, 2023
Are You at Risk for Kidney Cancer?

Are You at Risk for Kidney Cancer?

Lung cancer. Skin cancer. Colon cancer. You’ve had your screenings for the most prevalent cancers and have gotten the all-clear. But what about your kidneys? Although kidney cancer is relatively rare, certain factors increase your risk.
Nov 2nd, 2023
4 Little Known Causes of Erectile Dysfunction

4 Little Known Causes of Erectile Dysfunction

When you have trouble getting and keeping an erection, you may just chalk it up to aging. But erectile dysfunction (ED) shouldn’t be accepted if you want to lead a rich, full life. What’s causing your ED? The answers may surprise you.
Oct 1st, 2023
What to Expect After Your Vasectomy

What to Expect After Your Vasectomy

Every year, about half a million men in the United States decide to move to “Snip City.” But, as with all “moves,” life after vasectomy takes a bit of adjusting. Here’s what to expect after your no-scalpel snip.
Sep 1st, 2023
Why Do I Keep Getting Kidney Stones?

Why Do I Keep Getting Kidney Stones?

Some lucky people never get kidney stones at all. So why do yours keep coming back? If you’ve suffered from more than one bout of kidney stones, you may be heartened to learn that you can prevent or reduce kidney stones. Here’s how.
Aug 1st, 2023
What You Should Know If You’re Considering a Vasectomy

What You Should Know If You’re Considering a Vasectomy

A vasectomy sterilizes males so they can no longer impregnate a female partner. This simple surgery is effective, safe, and — for the most part — irreversible. Here’s what you need to know if you're considering a vasectomy.
Jul 10th, 2023
5 Causes of Ureteral Stricture and How It’s Treated

5 Causes of Ureteral Stricture and How It’s Treated

Although ureteral strictures are relatively common among older men, when you have one, the only statistic you’re interested in is the cure rate. How did you get a ureteral stricture, and what can be done to help you urinate comfortably again?
Jun 1st, 2023
What To Do If Your PSA Levels are Elevated

What To Do If Your PSA Levels are Elevated

When your doctor tells you that your prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels are high, you might first panic. Does this mean you have prostate cancer? Not necessarily. But you do need to take action.
Apr 10th, 2023
What Could It Mean If It Hurts When I Ejaculate?

What Could It Mean If It Hurts When I Ejaculate?

Painful ejaculation is no laughing matter. If your orgasms hurt, you can’t enjoy your sexual time with your partner or your sexual time alone, either. Why would pleasurable become so painful? Several factors could be at play. Here’s what to do.
Mar 5th, 2023
Medications That Help With ED

Medications That Help With ED

When you have erectile dysfunction (ED), sexual intimacy may become a trial: Can you? Can’t you? And if you do, will you last long enough to orgasm? Sex shouldn’t be a source of stress for you. If you have ED, medications like Viagra® may be able to help.
Feb 7th, 2023
The Link Between Diabetes and Erectile Dysfunction

The Link Between Diabetes and Erectile Dysfunction

If you’re not healthy, your erections may not be healthy, either. When you have diabetes — particularly Type 2 diabetes — it can affect your libido and may lead to erectile dysfunction (ED). You can take steps to manage or reverse both conditions.
Dec 5th, 2022
 Do Vasectomies Always Work?

Do Vasectomies Always Work?

A vasectomy is a permanent form of birth control where a man elects to sever his vas deferens — tubes that transport sperm from the testicles into the urethra. Vasectomies are highly effective at preventing pregnancy, but success depends on you, too.
Nov 1st, 2022
Do Kidney Stones Usually Pass on Their Own?

Do Kidney Stones Usually Pass on Their Own?

If you have a kidney stone, you want it to pass so you can return to your life and comfort. Right now. Or, preferably, yesterday. Kidney stones can be excruciating. Some you can pass on your own. Others you can’t. Here’s why.
Oct 9th, 2022
Understanding Your Treatments for an Enlarged Prostate

Understanding Your Treatments for an Enlarged Prostate

You’re relieved to find out that you don’t have prostate cancer. But you’re not relieved from your symptoms of an enlarged prostate, otherwise known as BPH. You don’t have to suffer. Here’s what you can do instead.
Sep 1st, 2022
The 4 Categories of Kidney Stones

The 4 Categories of Kidney Stones

If you’re struggling to pass a kidney stone, you don’t wonder about its type. All you know is that it’s painful, and you want to get rid of it. But knowing the type of stone helps you plan strategies for removal and prevention of future stones.
Aug 9th, 2022
Can I Still Get My Partner Pregnant After a Vasectomy?

Can I Still Get My Partner Pregnant After a Vasectomy?

You’ve decided to have a “snip” party — in other words, you want a vasectomy. But is a vasectomy a 100% reliable form of birth control? Would it be possible to get your partner pregnant even after you get snipped? For a year, it us … barely.
Jul 6th, 2022
The Importance of Knowing Your PSA Levels

The Importance of Knowing Your PSA Levels

One sign of prostate cancer is an elevation in your blood levels of prostate-specific antigen (PSA). When you keep tabs on your PSA levels, you get a clearer view of your prostate’s health so you can make decisions early, when they count the most.
Jun 1st, 2022
The Link Between Dehydration and Kidney Stones

The Link Between Dehydration and Kidney Stones

If you want to stay free of kidney stones: Drink up! Water, that is. Staying hydrated and flushing your kidneys helps them stay stone free and helps you stay free of pain. But why is hydration so important? And how do you stay hydrated?
May 5th, 2022
I'm Nervous About Getting a Vasectomy: Can You Help?

I'm Nervous About Getting a Vasectomy: Can You Help?

You’ve decided that you don’t want to father children, and so you’ve booked your vasectomy. But now you’re getting nervous. What if something goes wrong? What if the vasectomy doesn’t work? Or what if you change your mind?
Apr 1st, 2022
How a Healthy Diet Can Help Treat Your Erectile Dysfunction

How a Healthy Diet Can Help Treat Your Erectile Dysfunction

Erections have a life of their own. When you were a pre-teen or teen, you’d get them even when you didn’t want them. Nowadays, though, even when you’re psychologically and emotionally ready for sex, your erections aren’t happening. What can you do?
Mar 1st, 2022
The Link Between Obesity and Kidney Stones

The Link Between Obesity and Kidney Stones

Nobody wants to be obese, but shedding those extra pounds is a lot harder than it was to put them on in the first place. Here’s some extra motivation to trim your figure: obesity raises your risk for excruciating kidney stones.
Feb 1st, 2022
How to Know if You Have an Enlarged Prostate

How to Know if You Have an Enlarged Prostate

Your prostate is one of the few parts of your body that continues to grow throughout your lifetime. As you age, your prostate may enlarge to the point where it causes symptoms and needs treatment. Do you have an enlarged prostate? Here’s how to tell.
Jan 1st, 2022
Understanding the Link Between Obesity and Erectile Dysfunction

Understanding the Link Between Obesity and Erectile Dysfunction

Erections seem to have a life of their own. When you were younger, they were nearly omnipresent. Lately, though, they’ve been “hard” to come by, even when you want them. Luckily, you may be able to improve your erections with one lifestyle change.
Dec 1st, 2021
What Does an Elevated PSA Mean for Me?

What Does an Elevated PSA Mean for Me?

Nobody likes to hear that their test results are abnormal. But if your PSA levels are high, you don’t necessarily have to worry. Your normal PSA levels are different from the next man’s. They could also mean different things.
Nov 1st, 2021
Understanding the Different Types of Kidney Stones

Understanding the Different Types of Kidney Stones

You don’t care which type of kidney stone you have: You just want it out! But finding out what kind of kidney stone you developed may prevent the next one. In fact, without knowing what type of stone you have, you could take the wrong step.
Oct 3rd, 2021
Can My Vasectomy Be Reversed?

Can My Vasectomy Be Reversed?

You thought you were done growing your family, and so you had a vasectomy. But something in your life has changed. Maybe you lost a child, a parent, or another loved one. Or you’ve found new love and want to start a new family. Can you?
Sep 1st, 2021
Who's at Risk for Prostate Cancer?

Who's at Risk for Prostate Cancer?

Prostate cancer is the second-most common type of cancer in United States men. While any man could develop prostate cancer, some men have an increased risk. Knowing your risk helps you stay ahead of this dangerous, but potentially curable, disease.
Aug 4th, 2021

Can Kidney Stones Go Away on Their Own?

Your pee looks or smells weird. And you feel intense pain in your lower back, side, or pelvis. If you have a kidney stone, you want to do anything you can to get rid of it. Do you need surgery, or will a kidney stone disappear on its own?
Jul 26th, 2021

Common Men's Health Issues that Are Easy to Ignore

About 77% of men would rather go shopping with their significant other than pay a trip to their doctor. And we all know how much men lo-o-o-ve shopping. But ignoring symptoms puts you at risk for illness. And a lot more doctor visits.
Jun 16th, 2021

What Causes Painful Ejaculation?

Orgasm is supposed to feel good, but instead it hurts when you ejaculate. While pleasure and pain are sometimes co-mingled, feeling pain as you ejaculate is not pleasurable. Or normal, either. Why does it happen? How can you stop it?
May 9th, 2021

Do You Know what's Causing Your Erectile Dysfunction?

You keep losing it in the bedroom. Your erection, that is. Your partner is understanding, but you’re beginning to wonder: Why does this keep happening? Or, to be more accurate: Why isn’t “it” happening anymore? What causes ED?
Apr 8th, 2021

Which Type of Vasectomy Is Right for You?

A vasectomy is a permanent form of birth control that ultimately allows you to have sexual intercourse without the worry of an unwanted pregnancy. You can opt for incision vasectomy or the no-scalpel approach. Which is better? Keep reading to find out.
Mar 9th, 2021

4 Types of Kidney Stones and How They're Treated

According to the National Kidney Foundation, more than 500,000 women and men in the United States visit the emergency room because of kidney stones each year. Getting the right treatment for the right type of kidney stone keeps you out of the ER.
Feb 9th, 2021

All About Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

It’s a sign of the times (well, more your age): Instead of reading “all about” muscle cars or sex, you read all about prostate health. Good choice! Here’s what you need to know to avoid benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and keep your prostate healthy.
Jan 4th, 2021

3 Signs of Ureteral Strictures

Great. As if there weren’t enough health issues to worry about right now, you’re having trouble urinating. Is that just stress? Or could you have a ureteral stricture? Ureteral strictures are treatable. Here’s how to tell if you have them.
Dec 2nd, 2020

4 Factors that Put You More at Risk for Kidney Cancer

Unless you have a family history of kidney cancer, you probably haven’t given it much thought. But kidney cancer claims almost 15,000 lives in the United States each year. Your risk for kidney cancer increases as you age.
Nov 12th, 2020

Considering a Vasectomy? Explore Our No-Scalpel Technique

You’re considering a vasectomy because you don’t want any (or more) children. Still, you’re leery. Even though a vasectomy is less invasive and dangerous than tubal ligation in women, it still involves knives and stitches, doesn’t it? Not anymore.
Oct 13th, 2020

Common Causes of Male Incontinence

Only 3-11% of men experience urinary incontinence. But if you’re in that minority, you’re probably feeling pretty “pissed off” right now. Why can’t you hold your urine anymore? There could be a number of reasons.
Sep 21st, 2020

4 Ways to Lower Your Risk for Prostate Cancer

When you learn that almost 200,000 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer this year, and more than 33,000 will die, you make a decision: You’re going to lower your risk every way you can. Where should you start?
Aug 20th, 2020

Erectile Dysfunction: Can Lifestyle Help?

Oh god. It happened again. You were in the middle of making love to your partner and you just lost it. Your erection, that is. You’d rather not take pills or hormones. Well, it turns out you might not need them.
Jul 27th, 2020

Dehydration and Kidney Stones: What's the Link?

You drink water every day. So when your doctor says you have kidney stones because you’re dehydrated, you think they must be wrong. But it takes more than drinking water to stay well hydrated and stone-free. Keep reading to learn more.
Jun 18th, 2020

Urinary Symptoms of an Enlarged Prostate (BPH)

You plan your outings around easily accessible bathrooms. You can’t sleep at night because you constantly have to pee. You used to gush, but now you dribble. You might have BPH.
May 27th, 2020

Changing Your Diet to Prevent Kidney Stones

You finally passed that kidney stone, and you don’t ever want to go through that trauma again. You can prevent kidney stones by tweaking your diet. But the tweaks depend on what type of kidney stone you’re trying to prevent. Read on to learn more.
Apr 24th, 2020

Tips for a Speedy Recovery after a Vasectomy

You’re thinking of joining the 500,000 men in the U.S. who’ll get a vasectomy this year. You’ve heard it doesn’t hurt. Much. But you might be sore for weeks. Is there any way to speed up recovery so you can get back to your life?
Mar 3rd, 2020

Should I Be Concerned about Elevated PSA?

When your doctor says your PSA levels are high, you start to worry. Does that mean you’re now one of the 1-in-9 men who develop prostate cancer over their lifetime? An elevated PSA doesn’t necessarily mean you have cancer, but it does need attention.
Feb 1st, 2020

Use Shock Waves to Break Up Your Kidney Stones

Smaller kidney stones can pass out of your body without you even knowing, but larger ones can be extremely painful. Noninvasive shock wave therapy, or (ESWL), breaks up kidney stones so they can exit your body easily.
Jan 1st, 2020

When Is Urinary Tract Reconstruction Necessary?

Urinary tract issues can be uncomfortable and embarrassing, but with the right reconstructive procedure, you can get your life back to normal. The latest advances in these types of surgeries are almost futuristic.
Oct 1st, 2019

What Can I Do About Erectile Dysfunction?

Millions of men suffer from erectile dysfunction, but the good news is that today there are lots of ways to treat it. If you're dealing with ED, read on to learn how simple it can be to find the solution that works for you.
Aug 31st, 2019

Spotting the Warning Signs of Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is serious, but it can be treated successfully — as long as it's caught early. Learning the symptoms of prostate cancer can help you determine when it's time for an evaluation.
Aug 5th, 2019
vasectomy, Alex Lesani, MD

7 Factors to Consider Before Getting a Vasectomy

When you and your partner are sure you don’t want any children — or any more children — you might be considering getting a vasectomy. There are lots of things to keep in mind, however, before making that decision. Here are seven such considerations.
May 9th, 2019
kidney stone, Dr. Alex Lesani

What Are Kidney Stones and How Can They Be Treated?

Kidney stones commonly occur if you don’t drink enough water, eat a high-protein diet, or have a family history of kidney stones. And if you have one, it can be more painful than you ever imagined. What are kidney stones and how can you treat them?
Apr 9th, 2019

What is a PSA Test and Why Should I Have One Done?

If you’re a man over 40, staying on top of your health includes routine PSA tests to protect you from prostate complications, including cancer. Learn more about this simple preventive test and schedule yours today.
Mar 1st, 2019

3 Benefits of Minimally Invasive Urologic Surgery

No one likes the idea of urologic surgery, but there's no better time than now to undergo such a procedure, thanks to robotic and minimally invasive surgery options. Read on to learn about the benefits of these groundbreaking new technologies.
Feb 1st, 2019
chronic , kidney stones, dr. alex lesani MD

Ureteroscopy: Non-invasive Treatment for Kidney Stones

Kidney stones can be excruciatingly painful, and while some small ones may pass on their own, others need to be removed by a doctor. Ureteroscopy is a non-surgical alternative that can be very effective in removing many stones. Here's how it works.
Dec 17th, 2018

What Does It Mean if My Prostate Is Enlarged?

You may have begun to notice the symptoms of an enlarged prostate and are wondering what this could mean. Don't worry; most men experience the same thing at some point in their lifetime.
Jul 3rd, 2019

Erectile Dysfunction: Learn About Our Solutions

Erectile dysfunction may affect as many as 1 in 4 men under the age of 40 and as many as 18 million men across the country. There are far more options than just the “little blue pill.”
Sep 4th, 2018