I'm Nervous About Getting a Vasectomy: Can You Help?

I'm Nervous About Getting a Vasectomy: Can You Help?

A vasectomy is a simple procedure that severs the vas deferens tubes in your scrotum so sperm isn’t mixed into your semen when you ejaculate. You may choose to have a vasectomy after you’ve completed your family, or even if you don’ t have children yet but are 100% sure you don’t want them.

When it comes to surgery on your scrotum, you may feel a little nervous. After all, that’s a sensitive area and, let’s face it, vasectomy can still be a sensitive subject.

If you’re nervous about your vasectomy, Alex Lesani, MD, an expert urologist, and our team want to assure you that vasectomy is a simple, effective, and permanent form of birth control. At our Las Vegas, Nevada office, Dr. Lesani performs minimally invasive, scalpel-free vasectomies. Here’s what you need to know.

What can go wrong with a vasectomy?

Today’s vasectomies are minimally invasive procedures that are nearly risk-free. They affect your fertility, but not your potency. You won’t suffer from erectile dysfunction (ED) or any other sexual side effects as a result of your vasectomy.

Dr. Lesani performs what’s called a “no-scalpel” type of vasectomy, which doesn’t require any incisions. On the day of your vasectomy, he simply makes two small punctures in your scrotum, through which he accesses the vas deferens. The vas deferens are tubes that carry sperm from your testes into your ampulla, where it mixes with semen.

Because Dr. Lesani doesn’t make any incisions, a no-scalpel vasectomy has few, if any, complications. This type of vasectomy has many advantages over traditional vasectomy, such as:

Of course, any type of surgery runs the risk of complications. However, these are rare in vasectomy. If you’re concerned about being a rare case, please feel free to bring this up during your consultation.

What happens during my vasectomy?

First, we prep you by cleaning the operation area and administering an anesthetic to dull pain. We can also give you a sedative to keep you calm and relaxed during the procedure. When you’re ready for your vasectomy, you’ll be surprised at how fast and simple it is.

Dr. Lesani uses a specialized tool to make a small puncture in one side of your scrotum. Using the same tool, he pulls the vas deferens out and then severs it, removing a small piece between the two halves. He then cauterizes each end, so they can’t connect to one another again.

Once he’s finished with one side of your scrotum, he moves to the next. Neither puncture requires stitches; the small holes heal on their own. The entire vasectomy usually takes less than half an hour. 

How do I treat my “boys” after vasectomy?

You can go home directly after your vasectomy. However, you must give your testes and scrotum time to relax and recover. Take the following steps to give yourself the support and healing you need, such as:

You should be fully recovered within a week. You can read more tips about vasectomy recovery here.

When am I “safe” for sex?

Once you’ve healed from your vasectomy, you may engage in sexual activity again. However, if you have sexual intercourse, be sure to use a condom or have your partner continue to use her birth control. You may still have leftover sperm that could be passed into her body during ejaculation.

Dr. Lesani conducts a sperm count about three months after your procedure or after 20-30 ejaculations. Once he tells you your sperm count is zero, you and your partner can put aside other forms of birth control. If you’re at risk for STDs, however, continue to use condoms. 

How effective is a vasectomy?

The only truly 100% effective method of birth control is abstinence. Barring that, a vasectomy is 99% protective against unwanted pregnancy

After Dr. Lesani verifies you no longer ejaculate sperm, you shouldn’t be able to impregnate a woman. However, because sperm may persist, it’s theoretically possible — though very rare — to impregnate a partner up to a year after a vasectomy.

What if I change my mind about my vasectomy?

Even though vasectomy is considered a sterilization procedure and is a permanent form of birth control, you may elect to reverse your vasectomy in the future. Men sometimes make this choice when they fall in love with a new partner, or if they lose a child. Dr. Lesani is also an expert in vasectomy reversal. 

If you’re ready for a scalpel-free vasectomy, phone our friendly team at 702-470-2579. Or you can book your appointment online today.

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