Elevated PSA Specialist

Alex Lesani, MD

Robotic Surgeon located in Las Vegas, NV

Nearly one in nine men will develop prostate cancer at some point in their life. At his Las Vegas, Nevada, office, Dr. Alex Lesani performs blood tests to check for elevated prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels, a common sign of prostate cancer. In addition to prostate cancer, benign conditions can sometimes cause elevated PSA levels, such as inflammation or enlargement of the prostate. Dr. Lesani can help you determine what your PSA levels indicate and recommend the appropriate course of treatment. Call or book an appointment online today for a prostate cancer screening.

Elevated PSA Q & A

What is a PSA test?

PSA, or prostate-specific antigen, is a protein that prostate gland cells, both normal and cancerous, produce. A PSA test involves taking a sample of a man’s blood and measuring its PSA levels. The results are measured in nanogram per mL (ng/mL). A test for PSA levels can be used to detect prostate cancer early, and ongoing tests can help Dr. Lesani track the progression of prostate cancer or monitor treatment results.

Men over the age of 40 should have regular blood tests for PSA levels -- at least every two years -- since they are at an increased risk of getting prostate cancer.

What do elevated PSA levels indicate?

Elevated PSA levels may indicate prostate cancer. Early detection of prostate cancer is ideal so that you can undergo treatment when it’s most likely to be effective. However, benign conditions like inflammation of the prostate, or prostatitis, and enlargement of the prostate, or benign prostatic hyperplasia, can also cause elevated PSA levels. Dr. Lesani reviews your results to determine the root cause of PSA level abnormalities.

What happens if I have elevated PSA levels?

If you have elevated PSA levels and Dr. Lesani suspects you may have prostate cancer, he’ll recommend either a digital rectal exam or in-office ultrasound-guided biopsy of your prostate. During this procedure, Dr. Lesani inserts a special biopsy needle into the prostate gland through the rectal wall to collect multiple samples of prostate tissue. He then examines the samples to determine whether or not the tissue is cancerous.

He may also first opt for follow-up PSA tests to confirm your levels are elevated. These techniques help him conclusively determine whether or not the cause of your elevated PSA levels is cancer or a benign condition, after which he can develop a treatment plan.

What are the treatment options for prostate cancer?

Dr. Lesani performs robotic prostatectomy, a surgical treatment for prostate cancer. During robotic prostatectomy using the cutting edge daVinci® surgical system, three-dimensional image processing equipment provides a magnified view of the structures surrounding the prostate gland. The live imaging and robotic surgical technology help Dr. Lesani remove the prostate through a small incision without damaging surrounding structures, such as nerves, blood vessels, and muscles.

This is a much less invasive method than a conventional radical retropubic prostatectomy, which involves an abdominal incision that spans from the belly button to the pubic bone. Dr. Lesani uses the cutting edge daVinci® robotic surgical system, wherein the robotic surgical system arms inside the body to imitate Dr. Lesani’s movements on a control console.

PSA tests are often used to monitor someone’s elevated levels over time. If Dr. Lesani notices a concerning change, he may recommend surgical intervention to treat prostate cancer. Testing regularly for PSA levels can also help Dr. Lesani make sure your prostate cancer doesn’t recur and ensure that treatment worked.

If you need a PSA test, call or schedule an appointment online today.